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Six Sigma training within the US has become a vital consideration for any company hoping to improve stability, boost profitability, enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty, and reduce errors or defects in their processes.
However, it’s also important for companies outside the US. If you represent such a company, it helps to know a few things about Six Sigma training outside the US. The following guide will help ensure that you make the right decision in terms of training provider and credential levels for your staff.
Project teams can be any size, but many companies choose to start somewhat small. The problem here is that some firms offering Six Sigma training outside the US have a specific requirement for the number of team members going through training (and it’s often higher than what you plan).
Make sure that the company you choose is willing to travel and train as few as four team members, or you might find that you’re artificially increasing the size of your project team beyond what you actually need, just to satisfy the training company’s requirements.
Not all companies offering Six Sigma training outside the US have the ideal reputation. It’s vital that you do your homework prior to selecting a company for this important role. Dig into the feedback from previous clients. Find out if the company provided the quality they promised.
Determine if the client was satisfied with the level of training provided, how it was delivered, the cost involved and any other factor that you can glean from feedback. The company should be respected by the international community, as well. If they have no history of serving international clients, it might be best to find a different provider.
Different companies will have very different needs when it comes to Six Sigma training outside the US. You might need to train regular office staff in Six Sigma basics, while another company might require training for Six Sigma project sponsors, directors or project managers.
To ensure that you’re able to get the right training for your specific situation, double check that the training provider offers all five belt programs. White, yellow, green, black and master black belt programs should be available from a reputable training company. If the firm you’re considering doesn’t offer all five belts, look elsewhere.
You also need to consider how the company will provide Six Sigma training outside the US. Will they offer online courses only (in which case, the company will not actually visit your premises)? Will they teach a small group onsite? Are they willing to train larger numbers of students at a time? It’s important that you find out what type of delivery systems the company offers like, six sigma blended training, so that you can ensure that they fit your needs.
Finding a company that offers quality Six Sigma training outside the US isn’t as difficult as many think, so long as you follow these tips.
The Six Sigma Training Outside US options include:
The Six Sigma Training Outside US programs are also available as an onsite option beyond the locations listed.