Lean Fundamentals

Lean Fundamentals [ ]

Lean FundamentalsThis four day course starts with Lean Basics like 5S, Kanban, Value Stream Mapping, and Kaizen, then covers advanced concepts that use data and analysis within a DMAIC roadmap to design an optimized process layout. Learn the Lean Fundamentals system that brings it all together.

Lean Fundamentals Training Topics:

  • Overview of the Lean Initiative
  • Incorporating Lean & Six Sigma
  • Muda (or Waste) Eradication
  • Value Stream Mapping (Present and Prospective State)
  • How to Conduct a Lean Vision Events (or Kaizen Events)
  • Flow, TAKT Time and PITCH Applications
  • Replenishment Pull methods vs. Traditional “Push”
  • Kanban or Visual Signaling
  • Goldratt’s “Theory of Constraints”
  • 5S and Visual Control
  • Poka Yoke (Error Proofing)
  • Program Synopsis

Check out our Lean Fundamentals Schedule Below

3 Days(Tue-Thu) Sep-17-2024 Live Instructor Led Webinar
$1300 Register
4 Days Sep-30-2024 Boston, MA
$2000 Register
3 Days(Tue-Thu) Oct-15-2024 Live Instructor Led Webinar
$1300 Register
4 Days Nov-04-2024 Orlando, FL
$2000 Register
4 Days Dec-09-2024 Las Vegas, NV
$2000 Register
3 Days(Tue-Thu) Dec-10-2024 Live Instructor Led Webinar
$1300 Register
3 Days(Tue-Thu) Jan-07-2025 Live Instructor Led Webinar
$1300 Register