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Want to learn more about Lean or Six Sigma? Do you have a question or a problem with a particular project, chart, or just want to find out how Six Sigma works in a specific industry. You have found the right place. The Lean and Six Sigma Articles section is filled with helpful documents for individuals at all levels of Lean and Six Sigma knowledge. If you are just starting out and want to learn “What is Lean” or “What is Six Sigma” or even “What is Lean Six Sigma, you will find an article about it here. However, if you have a question about a specific chart or other more complicated matter, there are plenty of articles in this area that can help you find answers. If you don’t find what you are looking for, please contact us. We are happy to answer questions, and we can always use ideas for new articles.
Lean Six Sigma articles from Global Six Sigma will educate and explain to you all the details concerning our Lean Six Sigma program. When you think of the term “lean” you probably think of something along the lines of trimming off the fat or some form of reduction. Well, this is a fairly accurate metaphor when it comes to Lean Six Sigma certification and training.
Global Six Sigma offer diverse stages of training and one of these is Lean Six Sigma. You can obtain a Lean Six Sigma Green Belt or a Lean Six Sigma Black Belt. However, Lean Six Sigma is really only just the beginning.
On this website you will find a variety of Lean Six Sigma articles. These articles give you more in-depth information about the Six Sigma program in general, certified belt levels and how you can reduce waste while improving overall processes for your company. Let’s be honest: every company has its problems in terms of waste and bad processes, whether it is spending too much on materials or simply not utilizing the materials you have at your access to their maximum potential.
ean Six Sigma articles on this website can assist you to some extent. It is easy to go along your work day as an employer or employee and get as much done as possible without taking waste and poor processes into account. Over the long run, this will cost your company money and that can lead to negative outcomes, such as poor performance, unsatisfied customers, and ultimately job layoffs.
When reading over our Lean Six Sigma articles be sure to take into account the various types of training Global Six Sigma offers. Lean Six Sigma classes include online Lean Six Sigma training where you can learn from the comforts of your own home.
Public classes are also available, and the Blended programs incorporate a little bit of both training methods. There are numerous levels of Six Sigma certification. You can earn Six Sigma White Belt training and certification, Yellow Belt certification, Green Belt certification, Black Belt certification and even Six Sigma Master Black Belt training and certification.
You and others will learn about the DMAIC process (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, and Control). This statistical methodology will teach you everything you need to know in order to decrease waste and get your business performing at a more proficient level. Lean Six Sigma articles make for good reading material, and they are educational within themselves. By reading our Lean Six Sigma content, not only do you get a glimpse into what Global Six Sigma is all about, but you can also make a decision on what type of training you want to roll with and how far you want to go when it comes to receiving specific training and Six Sigma certification.
Global Six Sigma has a stupendous track record of success. We work with both large and small-scale businesses. Government agencies, manufacturing sectors, and the healthcare industry are just a few examples that denote areas that Six Sigma training for employees and employers has really made a difference.
Many people wonder about the math involved with Six Sigma training. Well, Global Six Sigma focuses more on project completion than honing in on confusing numbers and calculations. Lean Six Sigma articles, like the one you are currently reading, gives you the peace of mind and reassurance that you are engaging in a novel opportunity to improve your company’s waste reduction and even you existing job status. Many companies are now looking at Six Sigma training as a necessity, and having a Six Sigma belt only helps you over the long run. Contact us with any questions you have about our Lean Six Sigma articles, our credentials and customers or inquiries about ourĀ Lean Six Sigma training schedule.