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SixSigmaTraining.us was the first Six Sigma provider to offer the first two weeks of the Green Belt and Black Belt together. This 2+2 format allows for Green Belts and Black Belts to attend training together, thus improving internal synergy while providing greater organizational flexibility.
We deliver a full range of onsite Champion leadership courses for organizations deploying Six Sigma.
The black belt course is an 8 day programme
– Black belt week 1 (Nov 11-14) 4 days
– Black belt week 2 (Dec 9-12) 4days
Class starts at 8:00 and finish no later than 17:00. If you have plane schedule imperatives, we can arrange the timing accordingly.
On FICSA (Ferring Pharmaceutical) site. Ch. de la Vergognausaz 50, 1162 St-Prex in Switzerland.
Please book a hotel nearby if needed.
We will provide morning coffee, lunch and drinks all day during the training. If you have any special dietary needs please let us know and we will work our best to accommodate you.
There are no discounted room rates available at this training venue.