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The Six Sigma methodology started out as simply a new method for Motorola to find errors in their production process and improve them. This new approach was a great success and managed to save a lot of money for Motorola in the years to come. It was not surprising then that many other companies took their example and adopted this new technique for their own purposes.
Since then, thousands of organizations all over the world have used the Six Sigma method successfully. They have been able to improve the quality of their products while cutting down on costs at the same time. Needless to say that this resulted in bigger profits, but it also generated better customer satisfaction.
Schedule for Six Sigma Training Boston
The demand for training using the Six Sigma approach has increased all over the world, but there are fewer placed in the United States of America where this is more obvious than Boston. As a city, Boston does not boast a particularly large population, but being part of the Greater Boston metropolitan area the city has nevertheless access to a very large workforce.
The renown of the city, as well as its thriving economy, meant that it was a prime target for many companies that decided to open up offices in the region. Of course, since most of these companies wanted to teach their employees the Six Sigma method, this created a high demand for Six Sigma training Boston.
There are numerous organizations within the Boston metro area that are constantly on the lookout for potential employees that have received Six Sigma training Boston. Some of the bigger names include General Electric, Teradyne and EMC. That is one of the best parts about this methodology. Once you have received Six Sigma training Boston, you can apply your new knowledge in a variety of different fields.
The principles have universal applications and can be used to solve a multitude of problems. More and more corporations are starting to realize how Six Sigma can impact their business in a positive way so they are becoming interested in hiring people with Six Sigma certification Boston. Great opportunities can be found at companies such as the Raytheon Company, Volt, Becton Dickinson, Paradigm Precision, Euro-Pro, MRI, the Genzyme Corporation, Kelly Engineering, Keurig, NESC, Randstad Technologies, and Winchester Electronics.
These are only some of the organizations that employ the Six Sigma method with offices in the Boston metro area, but as you can see just by receiving Six Sigma training Boston and getting certified you are significantly increasing your marketability.
When there is a demand for something there will always be someone willing to supply it and it is no different with Six Sigma training Boston. Many companies can provide this service, but none can do it better than SixSigmatraining.us. The best thing is that they provide onsite training for companies at their own location which saves a lot of time for the employees that get enrolled in courses.