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The Six Sigma methodology was developed with the intention of helping companies improve their business processes by using statistical data instead of relying on simple guesswork. This was meant to provide more accurate information on possible scenarios that would improve the productivity of an organization.
It was first used by Motorola but the success of this new method led to it being adopted by many other major companies such as General Electric and AT&T. Nowadays, its popularity is at an all time high and thousands of organizations have used the Six Sigma method successfully and thousands more are also planning to adopt it in the near future.
Schedule for Six Sigma Training, Los Angele
The Six Sigma program works at its best when it is implemented by very large corporations that have an extensive production process. This means that the demand for it is at its highest in large metropolises and in the United States of America, this can mean Los Angeles. Being the second most populous city in the nation, Los Angeles has offices from countless Fortune 1000 companies. Since most of them want to use the Six Sigma method, they need to have access to Six Sigma training Los Angeles so their employees can learn how to use this technique effectively.
The list of companies that have resorted to the services of Six Sigma is a very long one. Time and time again this method has proven to be quite successfully and fully capable of saving millions of dollars each year for a major corporation. Los Angeles is dominated by the entertainment industry thanks to the presence of Hollywood.
While not the most common target for the Six Sigma approach, it still can benefit from the presence of Six Sigma training Los Angeles. The basic principles of the methodology involving the 5 DMAIC steps (Define; Measure; Analyze; Improve; and Control) are applicable in a wide variety of scenarios and can work well in any industry.
Of course, there are still plenty of companies outside of the entertainment industry that stand to benefit from Six Sigma training Los Angeles. They include Kaiser Permanente, the Raytheon Company, the Bartech Group, the UnitedHealth Group, Cytec, Ingram Micro and Molina Healthcare, just to name a few. All of them are always interested in working with employees that have received Six Sigma training Los Angeles, so anybody that fits the bill will increase his worth in the company significantly.
Since there is a demand for Six Sigma training Los Angeles, there will also be companies willing to fulfill it. There are several to choose from, but none can top the quality services offered by SixSigma.us. This organization has proven its worth over the past 12 years by working with major corporations such as Pepsi, Blue Shield Blue Cross, Motorola, and Fujifilm. They value quality over quantity so they look to hire only the best instructors available, who themselves have learned the Six Sigma method and have reached the level of Master Black Belt.
Click here to see the full six sigma training Los Angeles schedule.