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Whether you hail from California or call Oregon home, Six Sigma can offer some impressive benefits for your career. It’s the most in-demand solution for process improvement in the world, and you’ll find that every company, in every industry (including both state and federal governments) need it.
While that does mean you have a tremendous range of career options if you choose to enter the field, you must first get Six Sigma training on the West Coast to ensure that you are familiar with the techniques, strategies and tools used. What should you look for in a training program?
The first thing you should look for in Six Sigma training on the West Coast is a full range of belt levels. There are five belt levels (professional credentials) within this field, and each offers something different. Here’s a quick look at the situation.
White belt certification is the lowest credential, but that doesn’t mean it’s without value. General staff can benefit immensely with this training, and it is capable of enhancing any career, as employers are more and more frequently demanding familiarity with Six Sigma.
Yellow belt training is the next up from white, and provides greater familiarity with concepts, tools, strategies and techniques. Yellow belt holders can be general staff members, or they can work on project teams.
Green belt certification is something of a middle ground in Six Sigma training on the West Coast. You’ll find that green belts spend less than half their time on Six Sigma projects, but can be both team members and team leaders. Black belt certification comes next, and these belt holders usually take management and leadership positions within teams (and within companies).
Master black belt training is the final and highest training program. Graduates with this certification are usually project or department managers, and can also work on their own as a Six Sigma consultant. A quality training provider will offer each of these belt levels.
Yet another consideration when choosing a provider for Six Sigma training on the West Coast is whether their certifications are accepted across the nation and around the world. Companies that haven’t been around for very long, and those who are known for low-quality training can cripple your ability to get a job and you’ll find that your diploma isn’t worth very much. Double-check this aspect for any training company before making your final selection.
As a final note, the company you choose for Six Sigma training on the West Coast should offer more than just traditional classes for their students. The needs of students have evolved over time, and training companies need to evolve with them.
The ideal company will offer both blended learning (a mixture of virtual and in-person classes), as well as fully virtualized classes for their students. Of course, they’ll also provide in-person courses for student who need this traditional education environment.