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The Southeast has seen substantial growth in terms of new businesses starting up, major companies relocating to the region and more. While that means everyday workers have plenty of job options out there, it also means that those with Six Sigma training Southeast knowledge have an incredible number of potential hirers, or even clients if you have obtained your master black belt status and opened your own consulting firm. Of course, there are a few things that all aspiring Six Sigma professionals need to know before making the decision to earn their credentials.
The first thing you should decide, long before you pick a training provider, is what type of credentials you’ll need. This will vary depending on what your career goals are, what capacity you hope to fill with an employer (or with your current employer) and other factors. To make this decision, you’ll need to know a bit more about the options available in terms of Six Sigma training Southeast classes.
For those who will not be part of a project team, or who only want to learn Six Sigma techniques and skills so they can optimize their daily responsibilities, white or yellow belt training will be the best option. While both of these are introductory courses, they can provide the credentials necessary to get your foot in the door with many companies. Six Sigma Yellow belt courses offer deeper training than white belt courses, but this is still a good option for those just looking to get their feet wet with Six Sigma.
For those who want to become valuable members of a project team, or have the chance to lead a team, green belt training is the place to start. This type of Six Sigma training Southeast program is much more in-depth than white or yellow belt training, and is the ideal choice for those who will be involved with Six Sigma projects for up to 50% of their time on the job.
The next type of training is the black belt program. Six Sigma Black belt holders receive highly in-depth training in Six Sigma principles, tools, strategies and techniques, and regularly lead both teams and entire projects. They also work in other managerial positions.
Right above black belt training, you’ll find master black belt courses. This type of Six Sigma training Southeast program is ideal for those who will be spending all of their time involved with process improvement projects for their employer. They’re also high-level managers, and are capable of starting their own consulting firms to work with clients.
After you decide what program you need to complete, it’s time to find a training provider. The Southeast has a tremendous range of education companies offering Six Sigma courses, but it’s important for you to thoroughly research your options before making a final choice. Base your decision on the company’s reputation, the success of their previous students, their ability to deliver courses in multiple formats, and their length of time in business.