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You have numerous options for Lean Six Sigma consulting, and it can be confusing. While there are other good consulting companies out there (along with a lot of poor ones), we believe we have found a very effective balanced business model which can bring you the best results. That’s why SixSigmaTraining.US is a top choice.
At SixSigma.us we emphasize the quality of the instructors. Among credible consulting companies, the Lean and Six Sigma methods and tools taught are similar. The major difference between training programs is the instructor’s experience and ability to relate that knowledge to your real world situations.
Our instructors and mentors are typically not life-long consultants. Some have been among the best in other consulting companies, while others went into consulting following successful careers as process improvement leaders. As a result we consistently score extremely well on customer satisfaction and instructor quality. That’s why SixSigmaTraining.US is the top choice when it comes to excellent instructor quality.
The whole point of implementing Lean Six Sigma is to enhance your organization’s ability to execute your business strategy. Our programs emphasize a practical approach geared to delivering those real world results. If you prefer a more academic theoretical approach you should probably go elsewhere. We will cover enough theory for you to understand the concept, but we will not get you so lost that you miss the application.
To achieve our certifications you must demonstrate an ability to apply the techniques covered in the training. Passing a written test simply demonstrates your ability to pass a written test, and watching online slides only shows that you can turn on a computer. Our certification programs include (at no extra cost) access to your instructor after the training to help you complete the practical application requirement for the certification. That’s why SixSigmaTraining.us is the credible program of choice.